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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Union News

Wednesday, August 25, The Portland Alliance Editorial Committee is having a Dinner Party which includes the Editorial Committee and Interested Community Members:  The Alliance is ready to roll!  This event will take place at 6935 SW Merry Lane, in Beaverton, Oregon from 5:30-9:30pm.  This is an open community meeting, but please RSVP*  so we have plenty of food!  We invite writers, editors, photographers, copy-editors, columnists, artists, reviewers, journalists, activists, organizers, teachers, students, professionals, etc to enjoy, network, and discuss the publication and content of the August Lockout Issue and the September Organizing and Activism IssueFood and will include vegetarian delights ... and sirloin steak, prime rib, pot roast, BBQ chicken, & baked salmon! (Bring a side dish or desert if you want...)  Any questions... 503-697-1670 Or

Wednesday, August 25, 12pm, JWJ Faith-Labor Committee 6025 E. Burnside
Wednesday, August 25, 6pm, JWJ Global Justice Committee 6025 E. Burnside

A five-day Paint-Out and Write-Out onAugust 26-30, where works of art and writing are created at various outdoor locations in and around the Columbia River Gorge - the nation's first designated National Scenic Area.
Thursday, August 26, Noon-3pm Oregon ARA Annual Picnic,
Laurelhurst Park, Site “B” RSVP: 503-224-4038

Also on Thursday, August 26, 

7pm: What Will It Take to End Israeli Apartheid?
Portland State University, Smith Memorial Student Union Room 296/8

All around the world people reacted with furious protests after Israeli commandos carried out an assault on a flotilla of boats carrying humanitarian aid and solidarity activists to the besieged Gaza Strip. In a historic moment for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement, nearly 1,000 activists picketed at the Port of Oakland and successfully stopped an Israeli Zim line ship from being unloaded for 24 hours. In an effort to mitigate the global outrage that followed its attack on the Gaza aid flotilla, Israel has (ever so slightly) eased its blockade on Gaza. While now permitting some consumer goods to enter Gaza, Israel continues to block chemicals, medical instruments, construction tools, aluminum, steel and cement, making it impossible to rebuild the homes, schools, hospitals, offices and factories destroyed by Israel in Operation Cast Lead of 2008-2009. What does this new phase of struggle mean?
THURS August 26th- 7pm
PCASC and AFSC presents the 1st annual PCASC benefit concert and NO SOY EL ARMY tour kickoff, featuring:
    2MEX afsc concert poster
    MIC CRENSHAW     M4       UBUNTU    and more....
For more details on the No Soy El Army:  bilingual counter-recruitment tour see 

ANNOUNCING the PCASC’s first annual summer benefit concert.

A truly intercultural, intergenerational experience. Expect special guests artists, dancers, and speakers.  315 SE 3rd Avenue /  Show starts at 9pm. August 26 Ticket sales info to be announced shortly.
                                     For questions email

Friday, August 27, 5pm-2am ILWU Local 5 10th Anniversary Party! Album Release Party,
                                             trike Fund Fundraiser, at the Cleaners, 1022 SW Stark
Next Friday August 27th, ILWU Local 5 will be celebrating their union's 10 year anniversary with a fundraiser for their strike fund. 
They'll be facing contract negotiations early next year, and are hoping to boost the fund before then. Join them at The Cleaners
and The Ace Hotel, SW 10th and Stark, on Friday, August 27th from 5pm until the party ends!  There will be live music, food and drink.

Saturday, August 28,  
Jobs, Justice and Peace' march commemorates King’s 1963 visit to Detroit
Fifth Monday Labor Radio
Labor Radio Collective:"Together We Make A Difference"
Monday, August 30th, on Fifth Monday Labor Radio– at 6pm!
Third Party Representatives will talk with our listeners about
why their parties matter for working people this election cycle.
Here is the lineup for the August 30, 5th Monday, KBOO Labor Radio Collective show from 6pm to 6:30pm2
Hosts: Tim Flanagan and Lane Poncy

The Independent Party of Oregon: Salvador Peralta 1The Oregon Progressive Party: Phillip Kauffman and/or Jason Kafoury and/or Alaina MelvilleThe Oregon Working Families Party: Cathy Highet and Steve Hughes
The Pacific Green Party of Oregon:
Michael Meo and James Nicita This should be a lively and useful conversation.

Wednesday, Sept. 1, 4pm March, 5pm Rally for the Bus, Portland City Hall, SW 4th and Main.
                                        Bus riders are under attack, fares have risen 70% and on Sept. 1, service is being cut by 70,000 hours. OPAL is demanding that TriMet meet its mission and provide
                                        affordable and reliable service for working people.

Pacific Northwest Plein Air 2010 September 3-26 in the Columbia River Gorge, is a series of art events & wine-tasting opportunities
featuring the art and literary works of accomplished painters and writers.

For additional information, please contact the Columbia Center for the Arts

Monday, Sept. 6, 10am-5pm Oaks Park Labor Day Picnic:  (Please let us know if you can help  staff the Jobs with Justice table for an hour or two!)
Saturday, October 9th, 2010  (Also John Lennon's Birthday) 

International March for Peace! End the Occupations!

"In Russia, in China, and here... very mediocre people
                                                     have the power to end life altogether."                                                                            ~~Saul Bellow

Antiwar and Anti-Occupation March and Rally

Instead of cutting needed funds for education and social services, we should reconsider much of our trillion dollar
military budget and establish a Department of Peace!

It is time for a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.  Most thinking people are
opposed to the US spending $3 billion a year to help fund a siege of Gaza and the occupation of the West Bank. 
We are sick and tired of military threats against Iran and the criminal CIA drone attacks on Pakistan. 
So, we are organizing.  Whether you are an experienced activist or new to the antiwar movement, it is past time
for a multinational antiwar march on Saturday, October 9th commemorating the 9th anniversary of the Afghanistan war. 
End the Occupations!  Secure the Peace we all seek!  Send a message to our leaders.

Peace, Freedom, & Justice through Writing, Activism, Creative Arts, & Civic-Engagement
An activism blog

Starbase Recruiting in our Schools

Monday, August 16, 2010

Contract Talks

Next round of contract talks
likely will be contentious

Read more:

Most of Oregon's state workers will take another unpaid
day off this Friday, August 20, when the sixth scheduled
government shutdown will occur.

But as an AFSCME union rep recently said, it's not too
long before the political season kicks off — if it hasn't already.
And before the dust has had a chance to settle, the Oregon
Legislature will convene and the next round of collective bargaining will begin.

Are state workers going to be asked to take more
furlough days, if the economy doesn't improve?

...There's no denying the next round of contract talks
are likely to be contentious. A bulls-eye has been painted
on state employees' benefits by Gov. Ted Kulongoski's
Reset Cabinet. State workers could find themselves fighting
tooth-and-nail to maintain benefits such as no-premium
health insurance and the state agencies' pick-up of
employees' 6 percent PERS contributions.

What could turn contention into acrimony would be
continued demands by politicians that state workers
bear the brunt of balancing the Oregon state budget,
especially if those politicians don't make any attempt
to look at other areas of potential savings, Hershey said.

State employees constantly talk about different ways the
agencies could be saving money, different pools of waste
that are simmering out there unchecked. There's no small
amount of frustration that no one seems to be taking their
concerns seriously, particularly since they are in the front
lines and in a position to identify wasteful practices.

"We're hoping to participate in a solution to all the state's
issues, and we want to be in the conversation early,"
he said. "You can deal with the official reality, but it does
not have to be mean-spirited and it does not have to reflect
badly on either party."

A sentiment very suited to Oregon. Now let's see how it plays out. or (503) 399-6719

Read more: