It is a sad day when the United States of America has to officially dispel rumors that it might invade a neighbor simply because its leader is ill. But after six years of fear-mongering, aggression, and diplomatic blunders... this is where we are.
Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, had to reassure the Cuban people that the United States does not intend to invade. Now that the United States has established a precedent of invading non-aggressive nations at will, our nation is seen as a bully state which may "preemptively" invade any sovereign nation... at any time. While George Bush, Dick Cheney, and Don Rumsfeld see this fear-mongering as useful to our security, many Americans feel that this stance is crude, counterproductive, and beyond the pale.
The United States is no longer seen as a beacon of freedom. We are now perceived as a nation whose behavior can be unpredictable, arbitrary, and sometimes... irresponsible. This administration has abrogated signed treaties. This means we have no credibility as a partner, and our commitment is seen as an empty gesture. In addition to this breach of trust... now that our military is overextended in corporate adventurism abroad, we cannot be counted on as a partner for our friends or as a counterbalance to the forces of our enemies.
Many Americans are disturbed by these developments. Seven of ten Americans reject the arrogant overreach of this administration and their shorts-sighted social, fiscal, and military blunders. Since this rogue band of corporate CEOs seem only concerned with the interests and concerns of two tenths of one percent of America.... it is time for the other 99.8% of America to remind these lawless pretenders about civil law, constitutional protocal, and American values.
It is time for accountability. Whether it be through ignorance or incompetence, the current administration has been unable to provide leadership, security, or peace. As a result, our international reputation has been sullied and our nation is in decline. We can do better and
we deserve better. It is wake-up time in America.
best regards, Tim Flanagan
sent Monday Morning, from the St. Louis Bread Company coffeeshop on Olive Street Road, in St. Louis County, Missouri.